Testing your service: To help the push towards a fairer Internet, Prudentia allows you to easily test your service for fairness against the other services in Prudentia’s testbed. Testing your service requires just two items:

  • A token. Each token lets you test a single URL against other services Prudentia evaluates. You may request tokens by mailing internetfairness@protonmail.com.
  • A URL which automatically plays or downloads the desired content when it is loaded in a web browser. Examples of valid URLs are https://www.youtube.com/embed/aqz-KE-bpKQ?autoplay=1 (the video plays automatically when the page is loaded without further interaction, if you haven’t disabled autoplay in your browser), or http://link.testfile.org/10GB (the file download starts as soon as the page is loaded without further clicks). An example of an incompatible URL is https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArZkVoNZb4Xcaje_8BIeFo6nPaM?e=Bj0vZ8, as it does not trigger a download automatically on loading the page.
Once your URL has been submitted, Prudentia will add tests between your service and the existing services in the Prudentia testbed to its schedule. Depending on the current test backlog, it may be a few days before your tests start running. Once they begin running, the average service takes 8 hours to complete all tests.

Viewing Results: You can view the results of your submission and check its progress in the “View Results” section below.

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